Northern Pygmy Owl

I had been wandering around for a while on Saturday afternoon, and I thought the birding had been pretty quiet. The weather was cool and a little rainy off and on. Thus, I found myself exploring the world of mosses which abound throughout the arboretum. This had me moving at a snail’s pace, which allowed me to be more tuned into my awareness and to make greater observations.

I was on the meadow’s edge near the White Oak Pavilion when a chickadee grabbed my attention. Its vocalizations seemed more intense as it broke the quietness of the late afternoon. As I watched and listened, I thought the notes had a different rhythm. Also, they were being repeated fairly continuously. Then a song sparrow popped up on top of some snowberry beside me and was calling. As I gazed forward out into the meadow, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. As I looked over there, I saw a small bird fly out of the grass and land on the lower branch of an oak. I looked through my binoculars to see that it was a northern pygmy owl with a rodent in its talons! That chickadee had seen it and I think the song sparrow knew from the chickadee’s alarm calls that there was a predator. The song sparrow was on the ground along the bank of the river and I don’t think it could have seen that owl.

As I watched the owl, I was surprised at how much it constantly whipped its head around looking in every direction. It stayed there for about 10 minutes and then, to my surprise, it flew closer to me. As it took off to fly, its body dipped down in the air from the rodent’s weight and it went to the first branch it could land on. It stayed there for a few minutes and then took another short flight to a limb in the next tree. From here it started to tear apart its prey. After about another 10 minutes it hopped down to sit on a clump of lung lichen seen in the first photograph.

Unfortunately, I had somewhere to be and I was already running late. I wanted to stay and watch it eat. I didn’t think it could eat that whole rodent in one sitting. I wonder where it went for the night to stash the rodent to eat later. The Northern Pygmy Owl hunts mostly by day, so I assume it finds somewhere like a tree cavity to rest at night.

In the second photograph, you can see the dark patches on the back of its neck that look like eyespots. This is such an amazing creature and I am thankful that I got to see it. Nature is an inexhaustible source of wonder. I look forward to seeing you out there.

Birds Eating Poison Oak Berries

After last Sunday’s mushroom festival, I decided to walk along the river back to my car. There was a nice rain shower to conclude the festival and most people had taken off. It was quiet as I walked down the path and I could hear birds calling to one another ahead of me. As I rounded the corner, I saw a flock of yellow-rumped warblers flitting around a patch of poison oak eating the berries. They were so beautiful in the late afternoon light, and I watched them for quite a while. The light must have been just right because I was profoundly struck by their elegant shape, colors, and feather patterns. Honestly, it felt as if I just saw the bird for the first time. They eventually moved down into the willows by the river and I decided to return the next day to see if I could get some photos of them.

When I returned the next morning, I didn’t find any yellow-rumped warblers at the poison oak patch, but many other birds were feasting on them, to my surprise. I quietly stood on the trail for about 45 minutes and watched as they came and went. Here’s is the list of birds I saw eating them: Spotted Towhee, Golden-crowned sparrow, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker, Downy Woodpecker, Hermit Thrush, Dark-eyed Junco, Bushtit, Song Sparrow, and the Yellow-rumped Warbler from the day before. Some American Robins popped out of the thicket from on the ground and I imagine they were eating them too although I didn’t directly see them.

There is so much poison oak at the arboretum and I am not always enthusiastic about its abundance. So I am happy to see that it is an important food source for birds in the fall. I also realize that poison oak is easily spread by all of these birds eating the berries and distributing the seeds in their guano. Happy birding!

Brown Creeper Nest

Two big cedars are growing next to each other and have joined at the base over the years. The bark on the outer part of one of the trees slightly separated from the tree’s base. It created a sturdy structure protected from the weather and was the perfect location for brown creepers to nest. I observed this nest over the summer but wanted to stay back from it while it was used. The fledglings left the nest about 6 weeks ago, so now it was okay to check it out. I waded through a little poison oak to get a better look at the location. The nest was near the top of the opening where it was about two fingers in width. Below the nest, there was material that probably fell during the construction as they started to anchor it into place. There was a considerable amount down there, enough to make another nest. I wonder why they didn’t retrieve more of those pieces to weave them back into it. I took the nest out and placed it on a bench to look at the materials used to make it. The nest was mostly made of small, thin pieces of cedar bark. The top of the nest consisted mostly of soft, tiny strips of bark fibers with a few feathers tucked in here and there. This created a soft place to lay the eggs and formed a cozy home for the babies.

It is interesting to see a nest that isn’t supported on the top or the bottom. All About Birds by The Cornell Lab says, “She builds the frame of the nest by layering twigs and strips of bark. She uses insect cocoons and spider egg cases to stick those materials to each other and to the inner surface of the tree bark.” I didn’t notice any cocoons or egg cases being used to hold the nest together and in place. It seemed held there simply by friction from wedging the debris into the bark crevice. The inner part of the bark is rough and I am sure provides some support in helping hold it in place. I love finding one of these nests. They are always in fascinating locations.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of wonder. I look forward to seeing you out there.

Brown Creeper Life History, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Accessed 2 Sept. 2024.

Kingfisher Nest Cavity

I found these holes in the river bank recently that look like former nesting sites of belted kingfishers. The diet of belted kingfishers consists mostly of fish, so naturally, they usually choose a nest site near water. The nest location is in an earthen bank that is free from obstacles such as tree roots or rocks, which makes for easy digging. You can see in the photo that there aren’t any tree roots and the burrow is in a soft layer of silt that is above the layer of river stones. They’ll also pick a place high up on the bank to avoid potential floodwaters. This looks like a great location.

The kingfishers will create a burrow 3–6 feet into the bank that is angled upwards so that rainwater doesn’t drain down into the nest. At the end of the tunnel is a nesting space 8–12 inches in diameter and 6–7 inches high. The nestlings of Belted Kingfishers are able to digest the bones and scales they consume. Curiously, as they mature and are ready to leave the nest their digestive ability changes. The fish skeletons and invertebrate shells seemingly become undigestible and they start coughing up in pellets.

I waited until after the breeding season to venture along the river, especially in places where I was aware of potential nesting areas. In my experience, most birds prefer that people stay back from their nests. A good pair of binoculars is great for observing nests at a distance. That said, I feel kingfishers are exceptionally sensitive to human activity. So please avoid areas where you might suspect nesting kingfishers. One of the biggest threats to wildlife is the loss of habitat. I have to remind myself too that we need to be responsible stewards of nature and respect other creatures and their need for space to live and raise a family.

Bird Nest

I was out poking around the lower limbs of oak trees looking for galls and found this little bird nest. It is mostly constructed out of moss with catkins from the male flowers of the oak tree woven in. Around the rim, there appear to be strips of bark, and the inside is lined with fine grasses. I was amazed that it was remarkably sturdy and built from such soft plant matter. I’m sure all of the moss made excellent insulation and created a cozy and warm nest. The moss also helped camouflage it. It was neatly perched on a small limb, and a canopy of oak leaves sheltered it from the blazing summer sun and the infrequent rain shower. A few developing acorns had fallen off the tree early and landed in the nest.

If I had to guess, I would say it is a goldfinch nest based on the size, location, and plant material. That said, most goldfinch nests that I find are pretty funky in the end. There is usually a substantial layer of bird poop around the top and outside of the nest from when the baby birds start to get crowded and sit towards the top. So maybe this nest wasn’t successfully used, or it could be another bird’s nest.

Finding this nest makes me want to go back and reread Gathering Moss by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I can’t remember if she talked about birds gathering moss and contributing to its dissemination.

I love finding a bird nest. They are all so unique and beautifully made. I hope you are enjoying your summer. See you out there.

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Walking along the creek trail the other evening I found an Ash-throated Flycatcher bebopping through the oak trees. This hip little bird has a slightly bushy head and occasionally whistled sprightly little notes as it merrily foraged in and out of the branches. As it swooped between perches, I caught glimpses of the cinnamon color on the underside of its tail. When it landed, its two faint, whitish wing bars and pale, yellow belly became more visible.

It lives in semiarid country with dry scrub and open woodlands of oak, pinyon pine, juniper, mesquite, etc. There is only the occasional sighting of this bird here at Mount Pisgah. According to the range maps, this part of the Willamette Valley appears to be the upper part of its range west of the Oregon Cascades. A testimony to their suitability for dry habitats is that they don’t need to drink water. They get it all from the food they eat.

Its diet consists mostly of insects and spiders that it catches in midair or gleans from foliage. It will supplement its diet with small fruits such as mistletoe berries found in the oak trees throughout the arboretum.

The bird activity has slowed down at the arboretum as we get into the middle of summer and the nesting season wraps up. It is best to get out early in the morning before it gets hot or go out in the evening as the day cools down. Good luck and happy birding.

Ash-Throated Flycatcher Life History, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Accessed 19 July 2024.

Peterson, Roger Tory, et al. Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Western North America. 4th ed, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010.

Black-headed Grosbeak Nest

A pair of black-headed grosbeaks successfully raised two babies in this nest. It was right above a trail and low enough that as I walked under it I could have reached up and touched the bottom of the nest. The grosbeak parents were always cautious when approaching the nest. They usually waited nearby for a moment before flying up to the nest. When they decided to go to the nest, they swooped in quickly. The babies reached up with open mouths to receive food, but I didn’t hear them make any begging calls. They were always quiet or at least quiet enough to where I couldn’t hear them.

I took these photos primarily to show you how airy the nest is. When I walked under it and glanced up, I was always amused that I could see the birds. That said, this nest is sturdier than it looks. This twiggy conglomeration usually stays in the tree for a year or more. Even after this winter’s devastating ice storm that took down so many trees and branches, I saw a grosbeak nest in an osoberry shrub that was still there. It seems remarkable considering how loosely constructed they appear to be.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of wonder. I look forward to seeing you out there.

Western Wood-Pewee Nest

I found a Western Wood-Pewee nest that was low enough on a limb where you could watch it and see what was going on. I called Patrick at the arboretum and we met to look at it through his scope. He can attach his phone to the scope and we took these photos. Thanks Patrick!

It was fun watching the parents feed nestlings. The babies would open their bills wide and stretch their heads as high as possible. After they were fed, they would lay their heads down on the side of the nest and rest. The three babies are already filling up the nest. The parents have to perch on the side, wiggle their way over them to sit on the nest, and still can’t completely cover them. The babies were so beautiful with the morning sunlight illuminating their down feathers.

All About Birds by The Cornell Lab writes: “The female builds a dense and compact nest out of grasses, plant fibers, bark, and plant down. She uses spiderwebs to bind the nesting material together and camouflages the outside of the nest with mosses, bud scales, and insect skins. She lines the inside with fine grasses and feathers. It takes her anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks to complete the nest, which measures about 3 inches wide and 2.5 inches tall.”

This is a fun bird to watch and get to know. Happy birding and I hope to see you out there!

Indigo Bunting

The indigo bunting,
an ethereal blue flame
flickering in the sun,
delivers a message.
Along the waistline
of the earth
there is a swirling naval
from where imagination,
wonder and love
gush out
of the belly of Mother Earth.
You don’t need to go
looking for it.
You are connected to it
through your heart,
through nature.

Yellow-breasted Chat

In the south meadow, a bird is making a cacophony of sounds. Its repertoire of vocalizations is a mishmash of whistles, hiccups, zings, whirling toots, clacks, and squawks bustling with merriment. It sounds like a mini carnival has rolled into town.

Meet the yellow-breasted chat. I say “meet” if you are lucky enough to see it. It mostly stays tucked away in the underbrush as it sings away right in front of you. Lately, it has been hanging out in an island of vegetation consisting of an ash tree, a thicket of blackberries, a cluster of willows, and dense snowberry shrubbery.

I am considering setting up a booth in front of its little haven and calling it Find the Birdie. I’ll wear a bright yellow suit with a dapper top hat. Step right up folks and find the birdie. Zip-zurple Toot. He’s in there somewhere. Burp Whirdle Peep. He could be down low in the willow. Pop Crackle Gulp. Or maybe a little higher up in the canopy of the ash. Caw Chortle Cluck. Try your luck. It’s only a buck!

Luckily, I caught a glimpse of it as it briefly popped into the open and as if to take a bow in recognition of its vocal performance. It’s a beautiful bird, and it was well worth the time and effort to see it. I hope you are enjoying the spring. Happy Birding!

Chickadee Fledgling

I heard a bird begging and saw a couple of black-capped chickadees zipping about scouring the understory of plants looking for food. I found the fledgling nearby quietly sitting on a branch looking at its new, beautiful world. If a parent came near, it would start begging and open its mouth wide ready to receive nourishment. I like the photo that I captured below showing the parent briefly pausing as it turns to fly away in search of more food. It looks like the unshaven, disheveled dad who’s a little weary from caring for his kids. His eye looks a tad puffy from lack of rest and seems to be looking at me as if to say, “Put down the camera and help me find some caterpillars!” The fledgling is lovingly turning towards him as he flies away. One of the things that always comes to mind when I see a fledgling chickadee is that it is one of the few times I see a chickadee sit still on a branch. These action-packed birds never seem to stop moving, but a fledgling will often perch in the same spot for a bit and maybe nap a little. Happy birding!

Downy Woodpecker Feeding Babies

Mount Pisgah is a peaceful place that also experiences a fair amount of noise pollution. The rushing sounds of the interstate nearby can easily be heard. There are farms just across the river with tractors and other equipment buzzing. There is vehicle traffic in and out of the park with the bustling of people and their devices.

Yesterday I was sitting up on the hillside, so I could hear many different sounds of nature and civilization. To the south, I could hear a continuous sound mixed in with the hum. After listening to it for a while I decided it was in the park and went to investigate further. I was intrigued by how continuous the sound was. It was fairly faint and I wasn’t sure if it was nearby. Maybe it was obstructed by the hillside or trees or maybe facing away from me. I came around to the other side of the hill and the sound got a little stronger. I was fascinated by how constant it was. I decided to sit down and listen. After about 10 minutes, I caught out of the corner of my eye a bird flying up to a tree for a moment and then it flew away. What!? That continuous sound is begging birds! The tree cavity was facing away from me, and once I positioned myself around the other side I could just get a glimpse of the entrance and hear the birds clearer.

I listened and watched for a bit. I was amazed at how nonstop the begging of the baby birds was and the parents were coming and going constantly. It must be so exhausting to keep up with feeding them. It was a good reminder of how much energy birds expend to raise a family. Plus they have to be constantly looking over their shoulders to make sure a predator isn’t nearby. They must be frazzled by the end of the day.

Spotted Sandpiper

It’s morning.
I am sitting by the river on a small gravel bar.
Sunlight brushes across the tops of the cottonwoods.
A light, upstream breeze is blowing in from the ocean.
The air smells sweet and freshly laundered.
In front of me, a thicket of willows
lightly sweeps back and forth
in eddies of wind.
The willows grow from an anchor of stones—
a cobbled bed, smoothed
over centuries
by elemental friction.
A shallow sheet of water covers
this abraded bed.
A gentle current channels
its way through small, quiet pools.
It is a refuge.
It’s abundant with creatures visiting
to drink water, bathe, forage, and nest.
One of my favorites is the spotted sandpiper.
During breeding, the white canvas
of its winter breast
becomes dotted with a patchwork
of inky, brown spots
giving it its name.
It has a curious behavior
of bobbing its tail up and down.
I imagine it on a playground
with kids delightfully teetering on its body.
It loves to hop about the rocks
and wade through the water.
It will make visits over to me
if I am still.
Sometimes it will travel along the river.
It flies low over the water
and mixes short, rapid wingbeats
in with small glides.
I lose sight of it sometimes,
but I can hear the clear, simple
high-pitched notes it sings
as it wanders and explores.
I look forward to it returning every year
and spending time here.
I never tire of watching it
and being in the presence of
its peacefulness and elegance.

Cedar Waxwings Eating Twinberries

I was walking around the south meadow and remembered to go check on one of my favorite plants, the twinberry. It received significant damage from the ice storm, and I was concerned how well it might recover. It leafed out beautifully at the beginning of spring, and I felt reassured as it flourished with plenty of yellow blossoms. I knew the berries were probably ripening, so I cautiously approached the area hoping to see some birds eating them. Before the shrub came into view, I could hear the high-pitched whistling of cedar waxwings. When I slowly rounded the corner, I found about a dozen waxwings and one robin devouring the berries. Many of the berries were accessible by perching on a nearby branch, but some were just out of reach. I enjoyed watching them launch upwards, hover underneath a berry, and pluck it. I came in just the nick of time because it wasn’t long before most of them were gone.

Afterward, they moved over to a thicket of osoberries next to me and started gobbling them up. I am always amazed at the appetite songbirds have. They are so small and seem to be eating an incredible amount of food. Later on, I watched cedar waxwings sweeping back and forth across the river eating copious amounts Mayflies. It takes a lot of energy to live out there! Thankfully the arboretum has a healthy ecosystem with plenty of food to support them. I planted a couple of twinberries last year. I am looking forward to them becoming established and providing more habitat and food.

Juvenile Robin

I watched three baby chipmunks chasing each other around and curiously investigating the lush, spring landscape. One of the chipmunks scurried onto a small branch over the creek and stopped next to a sleeping juvenile robin. The robin was so still and well-camouflaged that I hadn’t noticed it. I’m always surprised by how well they blend in, especially if they are quiet and motionless. I have seen two nests of robins that had three fledglings each that have recently left the nest. From each nest, I have only seen one juvenile robin being fed. I don’t know what happened to the others, but they are not around begging and being fed.

In the photo below, one of the fledglings is being fed. Notice that the adult robin’s eye is slightly cloudy. I recently wrote about the nictitating eyelid, and you can see the adult using it to protect its eye during feeding.

Oriole Collecting Nest Material

The Bullock’s orioles have arrived at the arboretum. They are medium-distant migrants, most of them wintering in western Mexico. A few individuals may be resident in coastal southern California. On the range map, it looked like the Santa Barbara area down to San Diego.

They are starting to build their nests and often look for man-made materials such as rope fibers, baling twine, fishing lines, etc. I have seen nests next to rivers where at least fifty percent of the nest is constructed of these materials. During the setup for the wildflower festival, I saw them removing fibers from the ropes used to tie down the tent canopies. Two of the nests I have seen built this year have orange twine from the hay bales woven in.

The Peterson Field Guide to North American Bird Nests wonderfully describes the nests of orioles as: “Nests are pensile (hanging and attached only at the rim) or semipensile (with additional attachment at the sidewalls) and can be loosely separated into two categories: those that are classically pendulous and socklike, typically longer than wide with a narrow top, and those that are like a shallow, open gourd, the opening of which is often fairly wide and more broadly secured, in part due to the span of the fork or branches to which the rim is fastened. Nests of Bullock’s, Baltimore, and Altamira Orioles fall into the first category: Altamira nests are the longest of any species in N. America.”

The nests I see at the arboretum are constructed mostly of grasses and lichens with other bits of string, ribbons, twine, etc. utilized. The nests are lined with soft materials such as feathers or the cottony filament that disperses the seeds of cottonwoods and willows.

Happy birding! See you out there!

Bullock’s Oriole Range Map, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Accessed 21 May 2024.

McFarland, Casey, et al. Peterson Field Guide to North American Bird Nests. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021.

Nictitating Membrane

Birds have an upper and lower eyelid to protect their eye. They also have a thin, translucent covering called a nictitating membrane that functions as a sort of third eyelid. It sweeps across horizontally from the front of the eye next to the bill towards the back. This membrane helps to clean, moisten, and protect the eye. You can see this downy woodpecker using it to shield its eyes from possible flying debris while striking the branch as it searches for food. I have also seen a bird use this membrane to cover its eyes while feeding its young or scratching its head.

This membrane also helps keep a bird’s eye safe while underwater. I have an old binder of seminars called Bird Biology by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that says, “In certain aquatic birds such as loons, cormorants, diving ducks, and alcids [auks, murres, and puffins] the nictitating membrane has a special central, window-like area that acts like a contact lens over the cornea.” It’s like they have built in goggles. The world of birds is fascinating!

Nature is an inexhaustible source of wonder. I look forward to seeing you out there.

Stay Inspired

The incalculable diversity that continuously evolves in the life of a forest is unimaginable. As the life of this tree’s story unfolds from a sprout to a decaying snag, a vast amount of creatures, big and small, will have interacted with its being. At this moment, a Western Screech Owl finds a place to keep warm, dry, and safe. It finds a sanctuary to listen to the flowing river as it rests.

We have to leave parts of nature unimpeded and free to express her spirit so that future generations will sit in awe of her beauty and be inspired to be loving stewards of the earth and each other.

Downy Woodpecker

There are limbs and piles of debris lying around throughout the arboretum since the ice storm. Many birds are hopping through them and using them for cover and searching for food. I enjoyed watching this Downy Woodpecker investigate some of the fallen dead branches.

In the first photo, it appears that both feet briefly left the limb as he struck it. Like in the previous post, a bird’s movements happen in the blink of an eye, so I feel some actions are only observable by capturing them with a photo. It is interesting to see him seemingly throw his whole body into it as he forcefully struck the limb.

As he chipped away the bark, I occasionally saw him trying to pull off pieces of bark to get underneath. He was so determined as he tugged on them.

As he went along, he circled the whole branch. While clinging underneath, he easily moved along as he poked and searched for food.

This bird has a great spirit and is fun to watch. Happy birding!

Bewick's Acrobatics

The other day I was snapping a few photos of a Bewick’s Wren singing. When I got home and looked at the photos, I saw this one. It is out of focus, but it captured the wren launching from the branch and doing an interesting maneuver. It was twisting its body to where its feet are towards the sky as it looks downward as it flies to a lower perch. I can’t figure out why it would flip over like this as it took off. Maybe it flipped over and did a full twist. I don’t know. Little birds like wrens and kinglets dart so quickly through the branches that they might do tricky, acrobatic moves like this all the time. These movements happen so fast that you aren’t able to notice them. Maybe he was showing off for a female that was watching nearby.

According to my dad, Founder of the Odell Society of Weiner Stand Hijinks and Oddball Medicolegal Terminology of Unexplainable Ailments, he might have the “Hygolican Flips!”