Hound's Tongue & Hummingbird

While researching and creating a page in my nature journal for Pacific Hound’s Tongue, I read that this flower is one of the first to bloom in spring and a favorite among hummingbirds. Yesterday in the late afternoon, I was out at the arboretum watching this plant when my friend Patrick walked up. I told him what I just told you and at that moment a hummingbird came up to sip nectar from the flowers! I missed the photo opportunity so I decided to return the next day to try again. I showed up and sat by a small patch of these flowers in front of the visitor’s center. I had only been sitting there 15 minutes when an Anna’s Hummingbird showed up and captured these photos. I sat there for about an hour and half to two hours watching. During that time bumblebees, mason bees, and honeybees all came by looking for nectar. This is a great native plant to add to the landscape around where you live.