Pacific Tree Frog Eggs

There are small, shallow pools in the lower parking lot. The Pacific tree frogs love to lay their eggs in the sunny, warm puddles. It is the perfect nursery. Algae grow in the pools for the tadpoles to eat, and they have places to seek shelter under leaves and other vegetation.

If you are lucky, you might see one of the tree frogs in or around the water. It is a small frog measuring from ¾ to 2 inches. It varies in color from green to light tan and has a distinctive black or dark brown stripe through the eye. It also has notable, large toe pads.

Frogs are very susceptible to pollution. So it is interesting to see them successfully using these pools in the parking lot. The runoff of grease, oil, etc., must be minimal at this end of the lot.

I’d like to give a friendly public service announcement. Please remember to keep dogs out of these pools and the seeps along the quarry road. Along with frogs, they are filled with many fragile creatures.