Robin Eating Madrone Berries

Yesterday I could hear robins making clucking noises in the upper part of the parking lot, and I went to investigate. They were chasing each other around the tree tops and calling to each other. I’m not sure what all the excitement was about, but I did see robins occasionally visiting the madrone tree to eat a berry. I was expecting them to start gobbling them up like they did with the dogwood berries, but they didn’t. They seemed to be testing them out to see if they were ripe enough for their taste. After about 15 minutes the robins moved on, but I have a feeling they will be back.

I am only hearing and seeing robins up in the trees around the arboretum. I haven’t noticed them foraging on the ground for a few weeks. With all of the recent rains, I am sure there are lots of yummy worms to be found underneath the newly fallen leaves. Most animals vary their diet. As the seasons change, food sources become more or less available or unobtainable. I’m sure the robins know what is best to eat to have a well-rounded, nutritious diet.