Bigleaf Maple - Powdery Mildew

Ick! The bigleaf maple leaves have become coated with powdery mildew as a cool, wet spring wrapped up and transitioned into the warm summer. Why are leaves of bigleaf maples particularly suitable hosts? What effect is this going to have on the ability of the chlorophyll to produce energy for the tree? I guess that photosynthesis will be greatly reduced with this hazy cloud of fungus covering the leaves. It certainly must be stressing the tree. Thus, I start to wonder how much this event affects the vitality or life force of the tree, especially coupled with the very dry conditions of last year.

My other thought is that this fungus is beautiful. Its frosty, white shroud is restoring harmony and balance. Thank you powdery mildew for your role.

The complexity of nature is truly incomprehensible, especially in one, short lifetime. There will always be more to know.