Frozen Fluidity

The weather this whole last week was clear and cold. A thin sheet of ice started forming at the river’s edge. It captured the flow of the river as it grew out—curving bands reminiscent of tree rings. Also, the ice interestingly was slightly elevated above the water. I could see a shadow being cast on the rock. In the second, up-close photo below, the ice looked etched with lines, fracturing the flowing curves. The ice in the third photo below looked fuzzy around the rock. It was as if some electrical current emanating from its edge was frozen. It felt stormy, and I soon realized two were headed my way. A couple of kids arrived on the scene with a different interest and fascination rather than form and texture. They loved the way it broke. They were delighted by the crunch and crackle sounds that were made as they smashed it with stomping boots.
