Winter Gems

This bird’s common name is Steller’s Jay. Its Latin name is Cyanocitta stelleri. When I searched for the translation , I found that the name Cyanocitta is a combination of the Greek words kuanos, meaning "dark blue", and kitta, meaning "jay".

I love watching this beautiful bird. I caught it here, quietly perched on a branch in the sun observing its surroundings. Lately I have watched them busily collecting acorns and burying them in the forest. They have strong legs and can often be observed hoping around the branches of a tree.

Steller’s jays can be very vocal birds. Peterson’s field guide describes it this way: “Loud shook-shook-shook or shack-shack-shack or wheck-wek-wek-wek or kwesh kwesh kwesh; harsh jjaairr and many other notes. Frequently mimics hawks.” Try making these sounds.