Oregon Ash Tree Sprouts

The other day I noticed this Oregon ash tree. It had mostly fallen over last year in the ice storm and was blocking part of the road through the arboretum. The company that helped clean up cut off the part obstructing the road and left the rest. Last year the tree sent out a massive amount of sprouts, which I want to try and count, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Oregon ash is unbelievably vigorous at sending out new growth if it is cut back or damaged in a storm. This one reminded me of a spiky caterpillar. I can’t imagine what this tree will look like in 50 years with all of these new limbs and assuredly more storm damage to come during that time. This tree has evolved a tenacious spirit for survival. In writing that last sentence I thought of the emerald ash borer that is on its way. This amazing tree is going to suffer some losses when it arrives. I hope and feel that some of them will endure and reestablish a healthy population in the ecosystem.