Spider Retreat

There are lots of spiders out in the fall getting ready for Halloween. They are building webs everywhere for you to walk into and getting bigger and more hairy and more scary! I’m just playing around, spiders are amazing creatures and are a vital part of keeping the ecosystem healthy.

Out at the arboretum today I took a little walk with my friend Patrick and we saw an orb weaver resting in the middle of its web. Patrick decided to take a photo of it and as he was trying to get his camera to focus on it, it got scared and scurried to the side of the web where it hid under a leaf. As we investigated its hideout, we noticed that it had built this shelter by bending over the leaves with its silk. I imagine it builds this little refuge as a place to escape to if it detects danger from a predator or during inclement weather like a chilly fall rainstorm. Just down from this one we found another orb weaver spider and it had one too, as you see in second photo.