
This striking shrub has been blooming out at the arboretum over the past week. It is aptly named oceanspray with its misty, white clusters of flowers. To me, the flowers cascade like frothy, salt water flowing over rocky shores as crashing waves retreat.

In contrast to its gentle, soft flower clusters, oceanspray also has the common name of Ironwood. The strong, straight branches were used by Native Americans for tools. They fire-hardened the limbs for uses like arrows, digging sticks, and spears.

Interestingly, this plant is common on both sides of the Cascades as it can live in dry to moist areas. It grows in open sites mostly at low to middle elevations.

These overcast, cool mornings over the past week coupled with the blooming oceanspray make a walk at the arboretum feel like a trip to the coast.
