White-breasted Nuthatches Nesting

A pair of white-breasted nuthatches have paired up and have selected a natural cavity in an Oregon ash. I read that females build the nest, but I watched both male and female collecting nesting material. So I guess he is allowed to bring in material, but she puts it together. I have observed them collecting tufts of moss and small pieces of bark to line the nest cavity. She will then build a small nest cup of fine grass, feathers, bark fibers, hair, etc. She will lay 5-9 eggs. The eggs are white to pinkish-white, speckled with reddish brown, gray, or purple. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find part of a discarded shell on the ground somewhere. The incubation period is around two weeks and the male will feed her while she is on the nest. Both parents will feed the young when they are born. The nesting period is around 26 days. Good luck and happy parenting.