I briefly watched this deer the other day browsing on the new leaves of an Oregon Ash. In reading about blacktail deer, I found that they have a varied diet that can include hundreds of different kinds of plants, fruits, nuts, etc. Naturally their food sources of forbs, grasses and browse can evolve throughout the year as the seasons change.
In Cascade Olympic Natural History, Daniel Mathews writes, “They strip the old-man’s-beard lichen from tree limbs; it contains few nutrients, but enhances the deer’s utilization of plant nutrients in the winter diet of twigs, evergreen needles and leaves. Like other cudchewers, they are able to live on this high-roughage diet thanks to cellulose-digesting bacteria in their first (precudchewing) stomach. They have to browse for the nutritional demands of these bacteria; inadequate protein can kill the bacteria, leaving the browser literally starving to death with its belly full.”
For me, this really underscores the importance for the preserving the diversity of life. Animals have evolved in complex ecosystems that need to be taken care of and protected. It is crucial for our health and wellness.
Forbs (sometimes referred to as herbs) are herbaceous (not woody), broadleaf plants that are not grass-like.
Browse is the leaf and twig growth of shrubs, woody vines, trees, cacti, and other non-herbaceous vegetation available for animal consumption.
Blacktail Deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus)