Dried Plants = Habitat

When plants die off for the year, they can take on a new life. The fibers of many plants are extremely sturdy and can remain durable for a long time. The stems can become fairly “woody” and are often hollow. For insects and spiders, these are places of refuge and homes for eggs or cocoons to be protected.

Creating a habitat around where you live is the best way to attract, observe, and support invertebrates. Native plants are the best ones to grow. After you have enjoyed watching them grow and flower, leave the dried plant stalks. I know this can be challenging for many people. It can appear messy, and they want to tidy their garden at the end of the season. If this is how you feel, maybe start by leaving a small section untouched on the periphery. I like these places because they attract birds. They are places for them to forage and can offer protection from predators.

If you don’t have an area around your house or apartment to be creative, I recommend joining and volunteering at your local arboretum like Mt. Pisgah. An abundance of beauty and mysteries are waiting to be experienced and explored.