Downy Woodpecker Foraging

I love Downy Woodpeckers. I watched this one yesterday and wanted to write a little about them. I looked back in my blog posts and saw that I wrote about the Downy Woodpecker on Feb. 18, 2021. I have noticed that I often observe and take photos of the same birds at the same time each year.

I found this interesting observation on All About Birds by The Cornell Lab: “Male and female Downy Woodpeckers divide up where they look for food in winter. Males feed more on small branches and weed stems, and females feed on larger branches and trunks. Males keep females from foraging in the more productive spots. When researchers have removed males from a woodlot, females have responded by feeding along smaller branches.”

I love the last photo that shows the Downy twisting its neck to presumably be able to better extract an insect larvae.