Chipmunk Hollow

Along the Lilly Pond trail, I keep crossing paths with this little chipmunk. As it navigates its way along the forest floor searching for food, I am impressed by its agility and ability to move quietly. On a number of occasions I have watched it climb up this tree, disappear into this small cavity and then return to the opening a few minutes later. Sometimes it will climb back down and return to its activities on the forest floor. I’m uncertain of the purpose of this cavity. Is this a place of shelter, a food cache or a lookout? I would like to spend more time observing my little friend and learn more about its life. I had my camera with me the other day and was lucky enough to take a reasonable photo of it peering out of its hollow.

Deer Signs

There are deer living out at Mt Pisgah, and I see plenty of signs they leave behind indicating their presence. You can see trails leading through the meadow, footprints left on soft ground and a variety of different scat depending on the season and food source.

Also during the mating season or rut, males will rub on trees to create a sign post that marks their territory. It is a visual marker and a scent marker.

The Work of a Skunk?

I found paper comb next to this hole in the ground. When I looked into the hole I could see parts of the paper nest still attached to the lining of the hole which was about the size of a volley ball. I have seen many Yellowjacket nests in the meadows around the arboretum this year. Skunks are known to dig up their nests and eat the larvae and adults. Apparently they are able to tolerate their stings. Skunks are omnivores. They eat small mammals, birds, bird eggs, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fruit, grubs, earthworms and various plant material. I’m going to be on the look out for more signs of skunks. Wish me luck.

Beaver - Cut Branches

Beavers are North America’s largest rodent. One of their notable features, besides their long flat tail, is their large chisel-like incisors which are each about a quarter inch wide. The beaver has a extensive list of foods that it eats, and one of its favorites is the cottonwood tree shown here. Out at the arboretum, I can usually find these small branches cut off at an angle, and I often see branches that it has stripped lying around the bank of the river. Beavers eat the inner layer of bark (cambium), buds, leaves and twigs. Beavers are a keystone species and through their dam construction, they create a diverse ecosystem. I highly recommend reading more about these remarkable creatures.

Camas Pocket Gopher

If you go above the White Oak Pavilion at the arboretum, you will see mounds of dirt everywhere. This is the industrious work of a pocket gopher. They dig extensive tunnels and all that dirt gets deposited out in these fan-shaped mounds. If you sit quietly and wait, you will see them shoveling dirt out of a hole, and with a burst of energy, launch the soil away from the entrance. They get their name from fur-lined cheek pouches that they use to transport plant food that they gather in their underground tunnels. Sometimes when I am walking along the trail, I will see vegetation moving and then slowly disappearing as it is pulled underground. I often see them pausing at the entrance of the hole, cautiously sniffing the air. At that moment, I noticed that there was a white patch on its chin. When I looked it up, this species of pocket gopher (Thomomys bulbivorus) is endemic to the Willamette Valley.