Tall Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium),
The Barberry Family (Berberidaceae)

Tall Oregon Grape grows to about 6-8 feet tall and spreads by underground stems to about 5 feet wide.


This plant grows throughout the arboretum along the pathways. I usually see it growing the dappled sunlight as it seems to seek some protection under the forest canopy from the full sun. This plant growing in a reaching, searching fashion as it grows and interacts with its surroundings. It grows multiple stems from the ground to form a small shrub that has an open, airy structure. Many of the plant’s stems only have leaves growing at the top of the plant which makes it look a little funny - maybe Dr. Suess took inspiration from this plant.


Tall Oregon Grape has 5-9 leaflets per leaf with one central vein per leaflet. The top of the leaflets are glossy and you can see small barbs along the edge.

Flowers, Fruit & Seeds

The flowers are yellow clustered together on small stalk. The berries turn a beautiful blue. I have witnessed robins eating them, and the parents collecting them in their bill to feed juvenile robins.

As the end of summer arrives, you will usually find the berries drying up. I opened a few of them and easily popped out the seeds onto a cottonwood leaf. The ones I opened had 2 or 3 reddish-brown seeds in the berry.


I saw a hummingbird fly up as I looked down the trail and realized it was sitting on a nest. I walked by, held my camera up, and took a quick photo. When I got passed the nest, I checked to see how the photo turned out, and this is what I captured.

Quick Reference:

Height: 6 - 8’
Leaves: Compound, 5 - 9 leaflets
Fruit: Berries
Habitat: Moderately open forest canopy and forest edges..

Photo Location:
Mt. Pisgah Arboretum
Eugene, OR